Post Basic Diploma in Nurse Practitioner Midwifery
In 2014, the Indian Nursing council granted 10 seats to start Post Basic Diploma in Nurse Practitioner Midwifery (NPM) to Fernandez School of Nursing. The first batch started in November 2018.
DURATION:12 Months.
DELIVERY: Campus, Full-time.
AWARD TYPE: Post Basic Diploma in Nurse Practitioner Midwifery Certificate
CAMPUS: Fernandez School of Nursing.
START DATE: Academic year
The course is designed to prepare registered nurses GNM & BSc (N) with specialized knowledge, skills and aptitude in providing advance quality care to mothers and neonates, their families and communities at all the levels of care
Candidates who successfully complete this training will be able to teach nurses, allied health professionals, parents and communities in areas related to mother and neonate care.
Clinical Nursing-I
Unit I: Introduction.
Unit II: Chain of Referral System.
Unit III: Communication.
Unit IV: Pharmacology.
Unit V: Records & Reports.
Unit VI: Infection Control.
Unit VII: Adolescent Health.
Unit VIII: Counselling.
Unit IX: Review of Anatomy & Physiology.
Unit X: Antenatal Care.
Unit XI: Management of Labour and Delivery & recognition of problems.
Clinical Nursing-II
Unit I: Recognition & Management of problems during pregnancy.
Unit II: Recognition & Management of problems during Labour.
Unit III: Promotion of health of women and their newborn during postnatal period & and recognition & management of problems.
Unit IV: Family welfare services to help women plan their families.
Unit V: Promotion of health of women during the non-child bearing period.
Supervision & Management Research & Statistics
Unit I: Supervision & Management.
Unit II: Professional Trends.
Unit III: Medico-legal aspects
Unit IV: Teaching-Learning Process.
Unit V: Research.
Applications are invited from the Regular / In-service Nurses for female candidates with the following qualifications.
Should be a registered nurse :GNM/BSc (N) with an RN or RM or equivalent.
Nurses from other countries must obtain an equivalent certificate from INC before admission.
Should possess a minimum of one year experience as a Staff Nurse.
Candidates should be below 45 years of age.
Passionate about maternal health and excited at the opportunity to bring compassionate care and dignity to pregnant women delivering in public health institutions
Candidates fulfilling the above eligibility criteria may apply for the course.
For more information please contact:
Fernandez School of Nursing-Admin Block
Email –
* Conditions for admission to examination
- The student should have attended not less than 75% of the theoretical instruction hours in each subject during the year.
- The student should have done not less than 75% of the clinical practical hours. However, students should make up 100% of attendance for integrated practice experience and internship in term of hours and activities before being awarded the certifi cate.
The Examinations are conducted by the State Nursing Registration Council / State Nursing Examination Board / University recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.
*Standard Of Passing
- In order to pass, a candidate should obtain at least 50% marks separately in internal assessment and external examination in each of the theory practical and papers.
a) Distinction: 75% and above.
b) First Division: 60% and above and below 75%.
c) Second Division: Less than 60% - Students will be given an opportunity of a maximum of three attempts for passing